the worlds oldest cantina, a short story by danis with comments by drew
Danis went to Rome:

(but don't be deceived, it wasn't in 2003)
She's with a girl named Kate. I think at least post knows her.
Please email pictures and comments about your summer events to me by email and perhaps they will make a blog entry.
I bought some gray jeans, and I'm wearing them today. I think they are technically faded black jeans. Danis thinks I'm Euro-trash. I think I'm sexy. Take that.
Danis will now eloquently narrate the events of last night's dinner:
After an afternoon of shopping and gallavanting around Regensburg, Drew and I decided to go to the "oldest outdoor cafe in the world" for some good 'ole German Brat and Kraut. We walked down to the Danube and sat down, only to get funny looks from other customers and the waitresses dressed in traditional German garb. (did they really have any right to look at US funny?) They told us the cantina was closed and that all they had was brat on rolls for take away. It was only 18:30, so we were kind of put out that they were closed. However, it had rained pretty hard only a few minutes before, which may have been why they were closed, but it was clear and bright at that point so it made no sense for the whole restaurant to be shutting down. With a sullen Drew in tow, we started looking for another place to eat. We specifically wanted "traditional German food" so when we came upon the Hoffbrau House (the original is in Munich and is apparently very famous), we knew we had found the right place. We walked in and the place was packed! It was smokey and loud and crackling with crazy German energy. We were seated by this large man who looked vaguely like a large mouth bass and were handed a menu by a brusque waitress in the typical German attire who didn't look too happy to be waiting on two more people. Since the restaurant was crowded, we were joined by an older German couple at our table. After picking out or foods of choice, we waited oh so patiently for the frazzled waitress to return and take our orders. Drew ordered Brat and Kraut and I ordered something that I cannot spell or say so don't ask me. It turned out to be a piece of pork, a Knoedl (doughy ball thing) and kraut. At this point the man half of the German couple started to ask us questions in English. He was so excited to talk to us and find out more about why we were in Regensburg. He spoke fairly decent English. They told us they had been vacationing in Croatia at the beach for the past 4 weeks and were now in Regensburg for a week before returning to their home in North Germany. (Imagine vacationing for 5 weeks!) They do this every year they told us. They said they had been to the states and really liked the people. So they liked us. And they really liked us because we "laughed together" and reminded them of themselves when they were younger. They had been married for 42 years and were awesome. And Drew tells me that I've typed too much, so I'm done. Oh yeah, we had to leave in a hurry because we had tickets to see this university play, all in German. It was terrible. I fell asleep for pretty much the entire first act (2 hours of horrible acting) before we left at intermission. Today we saw the girl that works in Drew's lab and she asked us about the end of the play....we just made up some stuff. Okay. THE END!
Danis wants to be an author when she grows up. She knows its long- leave it be.
In addition to the pants, I purchased a watch from the 1930s for myself, for my birthday. It has to be wound every twelve hours. Its the start to my illustrious antique watch collection.
Tomorrow we're going to Frankfurt for fun random travel. Anyone know anything exciting to do there? Danis flies out on Friday morning around 11:30. I'll be there to see her off. You guys better take care of her when she gets back to your continent. Or else.
Danis, it wasn't long. It was fabulous. I just thought of this the other day Drew, and I thought even though you are so far away, you will like this..."Let's go put 'im in a pot!!" Enjoy
1)i have never come across the word "gallavanting" before this website. it's now on here twice, but i think i get the gist of it by using my context clues.
b)i don't know christin and/or chris, but i imagine that they dress alike everyday and love to go on double dates. seriously though, congratulations to you two. i wish i could do the same, but nathan and nathanin doesn't really cut it.
3)ferris successfully fit benson's entire head in his mouth today. i had to give the cat a good drying-off before he went on about his business. ferris is very slobbery...
IV. drew, j.crew brought back the old sandals. i got a pair in the mail today. i bet you can't get those in germany. ha!
Oh, Drewby, have no fears. We will take good care of the girl, until you should return to do so yourself.
And I must know: are the faded black jeans tapered-leg? Oh, how I hope they are! Post a picture of them for all of our viewing pleasures.
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