
I lunched in France today

Yes. The English writing skills have suffered. Although, I think that we all know that my grammar and spelling skills have never been the best. I'm spending the weekend with Americans though, so perhaps I'll regain some normal syntax at least.

Yes. I lunched in France today. I'm in Freiburg which is near the border, so we decided to visit a little city on the French side. As soon as you crossed the Rhine- bam!- you were hit with French flags and signs in another language. It was like driving from Arkansas to Oklahoma, except that it would be like all the signs were in Arkansan and then suddenly were in Oklahoman (thats the worst analogy I've ever written).

Elizabeth has a big room and a nice kitchen. I might be a little jealous.

Did you know they have vanilla coke in Germany? It has become my American indulgence.

The part of France we visited was not gross like some parts of France that some people and I have visited in the past. It was not littered with dog poo or anything.


At 12:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drew... Its Mike Dennis... Loved the posts. I'm jealous of your trip. I hope life is treating you well. (I found you off of summer's xanga... yes I am a xanga victim (www.xanga.com/sigep522)) Enjoy your trip man!

At 3:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drewby, it's Em. You crack me up! I laughed out loud when I read the part about dog poo (and the analogy about Arkansas to Oklahoma!) You're the bestest. Have fun and be careful!--Em


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