Ramen noodles, a kiwi, and a Hohes C do a dinner make
So the Nutelleria is a giant marketing tool for the brand that we all know and love, Nutella. Its a little coffee bar that makes everything with Nutella. All the coffees are flavored with Nutella. Danis and I had a Nutella shake there. Even the food offerings have Nutella on them. Its amazing. And there's nothing more to say about it.
I don't think I've told you about these guys, but these are some people from the University of Arizona. They're really cool, and I've gone out with them a couple of times. Most of the group flew out this morning early from Muenchen. I met Katie (girl with the yellow shirt in the front) and Sean (guy with the blue shirt right behind her) at a laundromat.

I must credit myself with being ridiculously resourceful. These are the eating implements that I possess: two glasses, a bread knife, a fork I stole from the kitchen, and a spoon with a green handle that I bought yesterday. I can wield these primitive tools accomplish much. I commented to my mom right after I got here that it was hard to find easy to fix foods. I promptly received a package with microwavable goodies and ramen noodles. "How are you going to make ramen noodles with your lack of dishware and pots?" you might ask me, especially since I have to pay to use the gas of the stove in my building. Luckily the microwave requires no fee. I microwaved water in my two glasses until warm, and then I added the ramen and continued to microwave for several minutes. The ramen came out steamy and ready to eat.

I also drank a Hohes C and ate a kiwi with my noodles. The red fabric behind is my shirt that I used as a pot holder. I think it also adds something decorative to the picture.
maybe you should give up on the german and chemistry and become a still life photographer. the mint is an excellent touch.
Drew...I have a hard time believing you are studying organic chemistry, because the only other person I know who would have time to set up their kitchen ware and take a picture and post it on their updated-daily website is me, and I do nothing. Don't you have boiling organic concoctions to make in beakers with multi-coloured liquid?
you are not english, and even watching copious amounts of bbc television series will not change this. you can't just throw in an 'ou' in place of a simple 'o' whenever you please. in this country, it's spelled "colored." show some patriotism, traitor.
haha wie geil du alter meister koch:-)
I'm so honoured that you took the time to correct me. You're my favourite mate. Cheers.
P.S. You're a wanker.
Interesting; your friends all look very interesting. It is also interesting that this latest photo appears to be taken in a 'beer'-garten. That, with the other reference to a beirgarten and the admission to having stolen a fork from the cafeteria for your own personal use, is beginning to make me worry about you, dear Drew. Is the country corrupting you or are you just doing as the locals do? Don't. Nutella shakes sound better than the beirgarten offerings. Remember what I've taught you.
don't worry, mrs. cogbill. german beer is just like candy, basically. if drew has come away unscathed from nearly 4 years of catholic friends, i don't think you need to worry about him developing a drinking problem.
You kids crack me up! I am literally laughing out loud as I read Drewby's posts and all the comments. Trista's calling whoever that was a wanker was my favourite! (just for you T!). Hope you're having an aaa-mazing time there kiddo. I love you much and miss you!
there's really no need to re-hash this, but let us notice for one moment that drew ate a kiwi that sat on a piece of paper. it is more sad that there was not an available plate or papertowel or that his notebook (journal?) lost valuable pages.. i think this is what should worry mrs cogbill most.
p.s. german bier is like candy, basically.
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