
molto bella

Roma is so great.

My first meal in Italy was some good, old fashioned Chineese food; however, I redeemed my eating today beacuse Marco, the guy I'm staying with, made Ember and I this huge and amazing Italian meal.

Rome night life dies down about 2. Marco and I got back to his place a little after 3:30. Apparently this is not unusal.

I'm going to go to the Spainish steps now. I'll let you know if Gucci has anything you need. Later I'll be seeing Ember singing in die Zauberfloete (the Magic Flute).


At 1:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get antsy when someone hasn't posted a comment after about 2 days, so I thought I'd start the posting. Drew, it seems cliche to say I envy you, because it's been said, everyone does...you're in Europe and we aren't. So I will just share a memory with you. The Spanish Steps are my favorite thing in Rome, because my sister and I ventured there one evening at about 1:00 or so, near the end of our trip, observed the locals, and ate gelato. I just really vividly remember these Italian guys competing for the girls attention with their guitars and I felt really sorry for the guy who had less girls flocking around him because he was solemnly and dramatically singing that Train song, but with his accent it somehow came to be "Dwops of Jupita," while the other more studly guy just looked on and laughed. I miss Rome..say hello for me, because I'm sure all the Romans miss the mark I made on their great and glorious city.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey drew, do you know where I can get some website updates around here? for all i know, you're lying face down in a ditch somewhere outside of rome. we're worried sick about you.

---your family and friends


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