well you can just tuck your shirt into your fancy (under)pants
I rode the 11 to school today. It always has more fun people than the 6. There was one older man who tucked his shirt into his underwear. The reason that I was privy to this fact is that even though he had suspenders to raise his pants to an appropriate height, his underwear band was still quite visible. My first thought was, "how can that be comfortable?", and my second thought was "I wonder if this guy has always done this or if he only started that later in life. Maybe he thinks that’s what everyone does." Your thoughts are appreciated as well.
A second example: also on the bus was a girl with a shirt that said on the front "looking for a blind date" and on the back "good luck". I couldn't decide if this was some jab at the visually impaired or if she was trying to say "hey, you might think you can date me, but i'm so beyond that." Ideas?
I went hiking and climbing with the entire lab group at Schoenhoffen yesterday. Here's a picture of Liz and Eva while we were hiking.

oh Giovanni, you crazy Italian you.

Paint was used to circle where Gio and I are on the cliff, Jiri is on his way up to meet us there.