
Tina Turner und Lionel Richie

Ich denke ich soll etwas auf Deutsch schreiben. Ich glaube mien Schreiben auf Deutsch ist nicht wichtig zu lesen. Ich werde auf English schreiben ueber Musik ein bisschen. Ich hasse das Screensaver des Thomas Computer. Genug.

I met my first Germans in my Jungendwohnheim (dorm) now that I have two weeks left there. We were hanging out in Thom's room and the other (i dont know his name) demanded that we listen to a Tina Turner song. He then garbbled something in half German half English speak about how sexy he thought she was. I've never laughed more during 'You're simply the best'.

Have you heard Lionel Richie's new song? They play it on the radio here about three times a day, so I think I might be starting to like it. Its not my summer song though. Nothing has come to my ears that can matches Summer 2003's 'Crazy in Love'. Have you found a summer song? All I really know is 'Just for you' is definently bound to be a hit on the adult contemporary chart.

Did you know that goole has a feature where you can look at catalouges? I found this one. Remember the song "Knights in White Satin". Wasnt that song about drugs? Well, this company decided to sell their cuddily, warm pajamas by alluding to this. Check out Nights in White Flannel.

I think I might purchase this shirt. It says "My other shirt has its collar up." I am also attracted to this one as well but I think that brett may beat me to it. There are some other nice ones on bustedtees.com. Which should I purchase? It could be my first day of school shirt.

Genug. Servus.


At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would go for the Hungy Hungry Hippos shirt. It brings back fond childhood memories of my sister and I flipping those little levers like crazy until our hippos ate all the little white marbles...and then we would accuse each other of cheating and then we would fight and pull hair....those were the days. I also love Missouri Loves Company. I personally want South Korea's got Seoul.

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really think you should get the collarless collar shirt, and the thrift store one, or give it to Nathan, because that's what he so adamently abhors with all his being and I think it would be funny. Speaking of summer songs (I don't have a segway, really) no one would be more equipped to find the nation's (or just trashy Arkansas') summer song more than I, because the cd player in my car ist kaput. Usher's "Burn" (which I hate) plays every hour...and most times on B98 and KISR at the same time, so I can't escape it. Another popular one is the 13-year-old Jojo's song "Get Out (Leave)." I hate the back-up singers. But my personal song that will remind me of summer 2004 would have to be "....ugh I like it like that, she's working that back, I don't know how to act, slow motion for me, slow motion for me, slow motion for me move it slow motion for me." And anything by Guns 'n' Roses.

At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drew-this shirt #1, no. This shirt #2, no. You have not only lost your English accent, but your fashion sense as well. Please, come home, before all hope is lost.


At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I could go on forever about songs that are driving me insane. But I suppose anything country reminds me of summer. I'm forever plagued with that unfortunate memory association because of the summer of 2001 when I listened to nothing but KTCS and KMAG until I discovered kazaa and made a lot of country CDs. I don't think even an avalanche of pop songs would threaten to take my country music summers away.


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