

I just read that Mitch Hedberg died this week. Apparently he had a heart attack. So this one's for the red banana and koala bears.

From MTV: "He had a heart of gold," his mother, Mary Hedberg, told the Pioneer Press. "He was a brilliant comic and a wonderful person."
Comedy Central


back online

The prangstgrĪ‹p is back. I'm currently downloading the "lecture musical" which is the sequal to the "library musical". I'm sure it will be bliss, pure bliss.


charmant visage

I'm trying to memorize a french song:

Qui jamais fut de plus charmant visage....

"Who never was of such charming face?" or something like that- i need Angie's help.

I'm restless. I don't like sitting all day waiting for the four big holes in my head to heal.


bowling for tulsa and teeth

Last night I went bowling with Ty and some guys from her work. Members of our party included "Charlie" and "Stinky Pete". What else could you want? My super bowling skill is being able to get the ball in the gutter but somehow still knock down one pin.

Mom and I are about to go to Tulsa.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out Thursday! Send me some lovin'.


The Bath Tub - Ezra Pound

The Bath Tub - Ezra Pound

This poem is funny/clever. Ezra Pound.


My BA and BS are bs

These are the classes that I have yet to take that I need to graduate:

Social Science Colloquium
Science/Math Colloquim
Advanced Inorganic
Instrumental Analysis
Experimental Methods in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
An Additional Chemistry class with PChem as a prerequisite
Social Science
Aural Perception IV
Music Theory IV
Music History I
Music History II
Music Special Topics
Class Piano I
Class Piano II

That's 41 hours kids. I currently have 127 hours (not including this semester). This semester I am in 20 hours. That has me graduating with 188 hours. This is friggin' ridicul-i.


Mason Jennings

Mason Jenning's music seems nice. Maybe I'll listen to him some more. What do you think?


Posted by Hello


Open Letter

McSweeney's Internet Tendency: An Open Letter to the Gentleman at the Bar Who Asked If I Would Like a Piece of Him.

This and other letters are enjoyable. Partake if you have a little time. I'm going to go pick up a california pizza from common grounds now.