
Crazy Old People

Went to ACL last weekend. The crazy old people in the background here high and kept trying to pour water and me and hump each other at one of the shows. The Arcade Fire was great.



Wiggly Lucy
Originally uploaded by abcogbill.

So, my dog has been sick for a while, and today mom had to take her to the vet to be put to sleep. I've flickred some pictures of her.


Jazz at Scarpino's

I'm singing as part of a jazz show tonight at Scarpino's if anyone wants to come out. Doors open at 6, and the show is at 7. $5 for students and $10 for everyone else. Call me if you need more info.


Wikipedia on Katrina

Red Cross
Crafter United- All proceeds are donated to Red Cross
CNN's help center

Jennifer is organizing a group to go help. Check her blog for contact info.

I know there are refugees in the area. Does anyone know what can we do to help?