Union Posting
I feel like Tyler Sowers- posting in the union (who am i?). At least I have an iBook checked out.
Danis is talking to a girl who did the program that she is doing this summer in Australia. She's going to get to see koala bears and kangaroos! Ridiculous.
I have friend from New Zealand. I hope everyone wants to get the around the world ticket with me after graduation and visit her family there.
Maybe we can go to Egypt also? Rachel Yingling was recently there. ! Leslie Yingling (Rachel's sister, they look exactly alike) just walked by.
Eric has found us a house with wood floors for next year (which was one of my desires). Its on top of the hill and it has a backyard. I'm going to look at it on Sunday. It's supposed to be $750 a month. Is that reasonable?
Hey, Drew. I just remembered about your site (after checking out those sweet pictures of Germany). It was pretty weird talking to you, knowing that is was almost completely the opposite time. Anyways, glad you made it back alright and had a good time.
If you're interested in the new Weezer CD that's coming out, I can hook you up with it. (C'mon, you knew i'd have it)
DREWWWWW! 750 is a good deal, down in Austin a reasonable house with wooden floors goes around 1500! Crazyness.
Where do you get the around the world ticket?
drewby! david just googled me and this came up.. crazy! also, we DO NOT look just alike...
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