
Halloween 2004

Halloween is on a Sunday, so the parties are tonight! Hope my "Sugar in the Raw" costume is a winner. I also considered going as a Jackson Pollock painting.


Danis and I stood in line for an hour at the Washington County Courthouse to vote today.

Everyone that I know that can vote, better vote.

Or I'll beat you up.


Al-Qaida's vote for Bush

Aljazeera.Net - Al-Qaida's vote for Bush

And another.


Aljazeera.Net - Predictions on the US election

Interesting article from Aljazeera.net about the election.

AllLearn - Alliance for Lifelong Learning

AllLearn - Alliance for Lifelong Learning

I really like this idea. You can still take fun college classes after graduating college. Its done by Oxford, Stanford, and Yale, so I'm thinking it sounds pretty legit.

Two Days

Two non-called days from the show! I promise to do my best to do my duty to be productive.

My neighbor is coughing alot. I think I'm going to lysol my walls and air ducts.

Time for some Thursday evening dinner with Danis.


Danis and I went to the symphony last weekend. We wore some fancy pants. Too bad my camera was acting crazy- so this is the only half decent picture of us.
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I have a friend who is obsessed with the W. She's the one wearing the mask. Scary. Sca-ry-ass.
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Jon Stewart went off about news commentators on Crossfire. Here's a transcript of it.


New picture from Eric. On rock? Rock on.
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And this one too- same subject.
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I took the camera to rehearsal. I liked the way this one looked.
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Just got back from Neil's surprise 21st birthday party.
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this is an audio post - click to play

Crosswalk Awareness

Did you know that it's crosswalk safety awareness day? There were people on campus with orange vests warning me of the dangers of crosswalks.

I also decided I'd try out the audioblogger and see how I like that.


Finishing up a review of theThe Fort Smith Symphony's Season Opener concert. They were actually pretty good.


The New York Times > New York Region > The City > New York Observed: Cabs Today, Cornfields Tomorrow

A great article. I might email it to you as well.

Today Danis, Eric, Joel, Sara, and I volunteered early in the morn for a habitat for humanity run. Danis apparently got angry and wants a beverage.
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Eric recently took some pictures of Dickson Street. I think this one is just great. Posted by Hello

Did you know that screws weren't mass produced and popular until the late 1700's. Much of its popularity can be attributed to the butt hinge that we use in doors today. Who knew! (Thank you Witold Rybczynski and your One Good Turn)

Been meaning to post some pictures. I'll do that here in a second.


The New York Times > International > Europe > Copenhagen Journal: Jens and Vita, but Molli? Danes Favor Common Names

The New York Times > NYTimes Article about how in Denmark you have to get your child's name approved. Apparently they love rules and regulations. Crazy!

The New York Times > International > Europe > Copenhagen Journal: Jens and Vita, but Molli? Danes Favor Common Names

The New York Times > NYTimes Article about how in Denmark you have to get your child's name approved. Apparently they love rules and regulations. Crazy!


The New York Times > International > Two Americans Win Nobel Prize in Medicine

The New York Times > International > Two Americans Win Nobel Prize in Medicine from nytimes.com

Nobel Prize announcing has begun. The physiology people to win figured out how the sense of smell works. How cool is that?


MSN Video

I like it. All kinds of cool streaming stuff. You have to use IE to view them though. No Mozilla allowed.


Walton Arts Center

La Traviata is playing at the WAC this weekend. Student tickets are only $15 on Sunday. I might just check that out.