

Everybody at the beach

I had to do a presentation about the research for my chemistry thesis today. The problem is: I have yet to do any research, so the poster became a "what I will be doing as soon as I get my act together and start researching" poster.
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Superelectric: Electricity in the sky.

Lightning kill you and burn down your trees.


House sucess!

The house for next year is my dream house! Wood floors! Deck in the backyard! An artist owns it and is going to paint the walls cool colors. Ah! Get excited and please accept an invitation to my house warming party in August/to hang out whenever and as often as you'd like when I move in.

I'd like to put one of these rugs and a block top table from this website in it.

Any other suggestions?

Pulay !


Union Posting

I feel like Tyler Sowers- posting in the union (who am i?). At least I have an iBook checked out.

Danis is talking to a girl who did the program that she is doing this summer in Australia. She's going to get to see koala bears and kangaroos! Ridiculous.

I have friend from New Zealand. I hope everyone wants to get the around the world ticket with me after graduation and visit her family there.

Maybe we can go to Egypt also? Rachel Yingling was recently there. ! Leslie Yingling (Rachel's sister, they look exactly alike) just walked by.

Eric has found us a house with wood floors for next year (which was one of my desires). Its on top of the hill and it has a backyard. I'm going to look at it on Sunday. It's supposed to be $750 a month. Is that reasonable?


Looking off, looking at shoes, squinting

Nathan and Lauren came to town.


a monkey?

I just got an email from Nathan telling me that one of his friends brought a monkey to his apartment last night.

Also- Nathan is coming to Fayetteville this weekend with his girlfriend Lauren. Let me know if you want to hang out.



The New York Times > Science > 'Extreme Textiles' Come of Age

Check it out.


Free PDF Writer

No one but me is probably excited about this, but
here's a program that allows you to make pdf files for free.


The Elimanator and The Casio

Every music student needs a good casio keyboard. My parents gave me this when I was in the 4th grade. I do my music theory assignments on it. My favorite features of it are the "demo" button which lays down a sweet beat and the elimanator that powers it.

Presenting the Lunch Box

I bought an antique lunchbox (or lunch box, one word or two?) over spring break. It did not come with a thermos.


I have started reading: this blog.

Sarah Clutts birthday is today. Tyler's is soon.

Does anyone else occasionally google their name, just to see what happens?

I didnt get the chemistry internships that I applied for, but I'm ok with it. I'm going to audition for a play and apply for an internship at the Lincoln center.

I'm also changing my BS in chemistry to a BA- so I'll be double majoring instead of double degree-ing.